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知识分享|ISO/IEC 42001:2023信息技术人工智能管理体系标准

发布时间:2024-02-29 09:31|栏目: 标准化知识 |浏览次数:

在人工智能(AI)不断兴起高速发展的背景下,备受关注的最新管理体系标准——ISO/IEC 42001:2023信息技术人工智能管理体系标准已正式发布。

 国际标准化组织(ISO)和国际电工委员会(IEC)共同制定发布了ISO/IEC 42001标准。该标准专为提供或使用基于人工智能的产品或服务的组织设计,规定了组织内建立、实施、维护和持续改进人工智能管理体系(AIMS)的要求,确保负责任地开发和使用人工智能系统。





What is ISO/IEC 42001?


ISO/IEC 42001 is an international standard that specifies requirements for establishing, implementing, maintaining, and continually improving an Artificial Intelligence Management System (AIMS) within organizations. It is designed for entities providing or utilizing AI-based products or services, ensuring responsible development and use of AI systems.

ISO/IEC 42001是一项国际标准,规定了在组织内建立、实施、维护和持续改进人工智能管理系统(AIMS)的要求。它是为提供或使用基于人工智能的产品或服务的实体设计的,以确保负责任的开发和使用人工智能系统。



Why is ISO/IEC 42001 important?


ISO/IEC 42001 is the world’s first AI management system standard, providing valuable guidance for this rapidly changing field of technology. It addresses the unique challenges AI poses, such as ethical considerations, transparency, and continuous learning. For organizations, it sets out a structured way to manage risks and opportunities associated with AI, balancing innovation with governance.

ISO/IEC 42001是世界上第一个人工智能管理系统标准,为人工智能管理领域提供了有价值的指导。它解决了人工智能带来的独特挑战,如伦理上的考虑、透明度和持续改进学习。对于组织而言,它提供了一种结构化的方式来管理与人工智能相关的风险和机遇,平衡创新与治理。





● Framework for managing risk and opportunities

● Demonstrate responsible use of AI

● Traceability, transparency and reliability

● Cost savings and efficiency gains

● 管理风险和机遇

● 负责任地使用人工智能

● 可追溯性、透明度和可靠性

● 节约成本和提高效率





Who is ISO/IEC 42001 for?

ISO/IEC 42001适用于谁?


Organizations of any size involved in developing, providing, or using AI-based products or services. It is applicable across all industries and relevant for public sector agencies as well as companies or non-profits.


 Does this standard apply to all AI systems?


 Yes, it's designed to be applicable across various AI applications and contexts.



What is an artificial intelligence management system?



An AI management system, as specified in ISO/IEC 42001, is a set of interrelated or interacting elements of an organization intended to establish policies and objectives, as well as processes to achieve those objectives, in relation to the responsible development, provision or use of AI systems. ISO/IEC 42001 specifies the requirements and provides guidance for establishing, implementing, maintaining and continually improving an AI management system within the context of an organization.

ISO/IEC 42001中规定的人工智能管理体系是一组相互关联或相互作用的要素,旨在建立组织的方针和目标,以及实现这些目标的过程,与负责任的开发、提供或使用人工智能系统有关。ISO/IEC 42001规定了在组织范围内建立、实施、保持和持续改进人工智能管理体系的要求和指南。


What are the objectives of ISO/IEC 42001?

ISO/IEC 42001的目标是什么?


The ISO/IEC 42001 standard offers organizations the comprehensive guidance they need to use AI responsibly and effectively, even as the technology is rapidly evolving. Designed to cover the various aspects of artificial intelligence and the different applications an organization may be running, it provides an integrated approach to managing AI projects, from risk assessment to effective treatment of these risks. 

ISO/IEC 42001标准为组织提供了全面的指导,使其能够在技术迅速发展的情况下负责任地和有效地使用人工智能。它旨在涵盖人工智能的各个方面和组织可能运行的不同应用,提供了管理人工智能项目的综合方法,从风险评估到对这些风险的有效处理。


What are the main benefits of implementing ISO/IEC 42001?

实施ISO/IEC 42001的主要好处是什么?


● Responsible AI: ensures ethical and responsible use of artificial intelligence.

● Reputation management: enhances trust in AI applications.

● AI governance: supports compliance with legal and regulatory standards.

● Practical guidance: manages AI-specific risks effectively.

● Identifying opportunities: Encourages innovation within a structured framework.

● 负责任的人工智能:确保人工智能的道德和负责任的使用。

● 声誉管理: 加强对人工智能应用的信任。

● 人工智能治理: 支持遵守法律和法规标准。

● 实用指南 :有效管理人工智能风险。

● 发现机遇:在结构化框架内鼓励创新。


What types of standards does ISO have for AI?



ISO has a number of standards that help mitigate the risks and maximize the rewards of AI, including ISO/IEC 22989, which establishes terminology for AI and describes concepts in the field of AI; ISO/IEC 23053, which establishes an AI and machine learning (ML) framework for describing a generic AI system using ML technology; and ISO/IEC 23894, which provides guidance on AI-related risk management for organizations.

ISO制定了多项标准,有助于降低人工智能的风险并最大化回报,包括ISO/IEC 22989,为人工智能建立术语并描述人工智能领域的概念;ISO/IEC 23053,建立了一个人工智能和机器学习(ML)框架,用于描述使用ML技术的通用人工智能系统;以及ISO/IEC 23894,为组织提供与人工智能相关的风险管理指导。


ISO/IEC 42001 on the other hand is a management system standard (MSS). Implementing this standard means putting in place policies and procedures for the sound governance of an organization in relation to AI, using the Plan‐Do‐Check‐Act methodology. Rather than looking at the details of specific AI applications, it provides a practical way of managing AI-related risks and opportunities across an organization. It therefore provides value for any business or entity.

另一方面,ISO/IEC 42001是一个管理体系标准(MSS)。实施此标准意味着在组织中制定与人工智能相关的健全治理方针和程序,采用Plan‐Do‐Check‐Act方法论。它并非关注特定人工智能应用的细节,而是提供了一种在整个组织范围内管理与人工智能相关的风险和机遇的实用方法。因此,它为任何企业或实体提供了价值。


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